One of the most common places to find gaps in your home is the grout between tiles. Grout is a porous material that can deteriorate over time, leaving behind unsightly gaps.
While these gaps may not seem like a big deal, they can lead to much bigger problems down the road. Dirt, dust, and water can collect in grout gaps and eventually cause the tiles to loosen and come apart. In addition, gaps in your grout can also provide a way for bugs and other pests to enter your home.
Do you have gaps in your grout that need to be filled? Not sure what material to use or how to go about it?
Keep reading for a quick guide on filling in gaps in your grout and what material to use.
What’s the best way to fill in grout gaps and prevent further damage?
The first step to preventing grout gaps is to clean the area as best as possible. This includes removing any loose dirt or debris and cleaning the area with a mild soap and water solution. Once the area is clean, you can start filling in the gaps.
There are a few different materials to fill in gaps in your grout, but we recommend using a premixed grout. Using a premixed grout is the easiest way to fill grout gaps, as mixes come in a wide variety of colors. Additionally, these mixes have added sealants to protect against dirt, water, and mildew infiltration, which will further reduce issues with gaps long term.
Pre-mixed grouts typically come with detailed instructions for safe application, or your local DIY store should be able to provide helpful advice on using premixed grouts to fill grout gaps.
Be sure to smooth it out as best as you can so that it blends in with the surrounding grout. Then, allow the grout to cure for at least 24 hours before using the area again.
What material can be used in filling in gaps in your grout?
Here’s a quick overview of the different types of grout repair materials and when to use them. Keep in mind: the following options are temporary and you should always follow the application up with a call to a grout expert.
Caulk is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of purposes, including filling in gaps in your tile grout. However, caulk has a shorter lifespan than other grout repair materials, so it’s not ideal for areas with a lot of foot traffic.
In addition, caulk can be difficult to work with and will require regular upkeep. If you decide to use caulk to fill in your tile grout, make sure you choose a color that closely matches your existing grout. Otherwise, the transition between the two materials will be noticeable.
Depending on the location of the grout that needs to be repaired, using silicone can be used to go over grout as a short-term fix. Cracks and gaps in grout can compromise the integrity of tiling and, if not fixed right away, may become permanent and costly problems.
While silicone may provide a quick fix, it’s only a temporary solution to the problem at hand. For the long term, we always recommended calling a professional grout specialist or contractor who will be able to assess and repair any grout problems correctly and efficiently.
When choosing a material to fill in gaps in your tile grout, there are several factors to consider.
First, think about where the repair will take place — in an area that sees little traffic or gets a lot of use. Second, consider how long you’re willing to spend on the repair project — the longer the material’s lifespan, the more time it will take to apply correctly. And finally, consider what color best matches your existing grout — a close match will make the repair less noticeable. With these factors in mind, you’ll be sure to choose the suitable material for the job!
And for help closing the gaps in your grout in your Southern Maine or New Hampshire home, contact Tough Grout today!